Saturday, January 6, 2007

Numbers 3 &4: Calneva goals

This blog has been set up to show off some of the great sites in Nevada and California. Books about these great states will also be cited on the blog. Why the title Calneva? Of course one reason is that it is the smashup of the states' names -- California & Nevada, and I have ties in both states. But the second reason was that the Chairman of the Board, that would be old Blue Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra owned the Cal-Neva in Crystal Bay. As you can guess, I will have sections devoted to music performed in Nevada and California.

Speaking of music, here's a link to my favorite group, the Las Vegas Club and our friend, Jacob Smigel
If you haven't guessed the connection to these two myspace groups, send a post and I will elaborate.

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

Welcome aboard, Sue! Let's see some GovDoc savvy!